Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Like the back of my hand

I was looking at the back of my hands earlier this week (I was in a meeting and there wasn't much else to do) when I realized I was staring at my father's hands.  Just like I found my mother's face in the mirror one day, there were my father's hands.  His hands were sturdier, of course, but still, there they were.

I remember my Grandmother's hands as being slender and she had a way of moving them when she told a story.  I can't repeat those movements when I try, but sometimes my hands will move and I see Grandma's hands and then her face.  And I can almost hear her voice.

One time I was at a Halloween party wearing a genuine kimono and a mask and some kind of covering over my hair.  I didn't think anyone would know who I was, but I remember that one boy did.  He knew me right away.  He said "It's your hands.  You have freckles on your hands."

I still do.  Even though I have old lady hands now.  Wrinkled and blue veined.   The freckles are still there.  A reminder of younger days.  

My father had freckles on his hands too.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Yesterday I had a really bad day at the Dumass Company.  It was so bad that I had to go outside to cool off (and it was over 80 degrees outside).

While I was strolling (or stomping if you prefer) up and down the sidewalk in front of the Dumass building I noticed 4 little white flowers nodding at me above the green ground cover where they had no right to be.  The phrase "Against All Odds" popped into my head.

Here were these 4 little flowers blooming proudly where they weren't supposed to be.  I thought maybe it was a sign.  If those 4 little flowers could prevail then so could I. 

But not right away.  It took another 5 minutes of walking before I could go back inside the building and tackle the computer application from Computer Hell with its snotty little IT guardians.

On my way home yesterday, a handsome young man was tending the flower beds.  When I passed the 4 little white flowers and turned to nod at them, they were gone.  Cut down by the handsome young man.

I'm sure there's a moral there somewhere.
Maybe, If it's not attached to a stick, it's not a sign.


Today is my sister's birthday.  She's really, really old today.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Make 'em sweat

On my way home from work today, the radio station's drive time on-air personality, Bernie, announced that it was 87 degrees, but people were calling and telling him that it felt hotter than that.  Well, Bernie,  know why it felt hotter than that.  BECAUSE IT WAS HOTTER THAN THAT! 

It was 93 degrees in the downtown area where I was.

I don't know where the weather forecasters had their thermometers today, but it must have been in the shade.  When I got home, the guy on TV said the high was in the 80's.  He must have been on a tropical isle with balmy breezes or maybe he was just balmy.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

A Pint's a Pound the World Around

I think it's time someone started a Truth in Packaging movement in America. 

I have several packages of frozen vegetables in my freezer that claim to hold "about" 2 servings and that each of those servings equals 1 cup.  Then just below that they have a disclaimer that they really mean each serving is 3/4 cup.

A cup equals 8 ounces so a 3/4 cup serving would be 6 ounces.

Each of the packages contain 7 - 9 ounces (according to the package).  Divide by 2 and each serving would be 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 ounces.  Rounding up (to be more generous than the food companies), each serving would be approximately 4 to 5  ounces.

I have a warning to you companies that think 4 to 5 ounces is "about" one cup.  "Don't look now, but your pants are on fire."

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Weather Questions, Answers, and Comments

"Hey, is it hot enough for you?"

The only answer for that today is "Hell.  Yes" with hell being a noun and not a curse word.  It was close to 100 degrees in the shade.  If you could find any.

"It's not the heat, it's the humidity."

I've got news for you, honey.  100 degrees is hot with or without humidity.

"I like the heat."

Then I'll be happy to tell you where to go.  Look for the noun in the first answer above.

Sunday, July 04, 2010

Happy Birthday, America!

You are 234 years old today (more or less).   You're still growing and maturing, but still holding fast to the beliefs and the passions of your youth. 

God bless America
and all who dwell between her shores

Did you know John Adams was the first to suggest that July 4th be celebrated with parades, "illuminations", games, sports, and devotion to God?  

Did you know John Adams and Thomas Jefferson both signed the Declaration of Independence and both died on its 50th anniversary, July 4, 1826? 

Thursday, July 01, 2010

I'm the Star

You're the star.
Together we can make beautiful music in the night sky.

My horror-scope for tomorrow reads: "This planet belongs to you. It has been put here for your personal convenience. You are not a 'bit part' player in someone else's drama; you are the star of the show. This is your world. This is your life. It is not that the other people don't matter. Of course, they do. They are characters in your story. That makes them incredibly important. But it is, nonetheless, your story. If you don't feel that way, you have been listening to the wrong advice and have turned your own tale into a sorry saga."  (

I don't think it gives me much of a clue to what's going to happen tomorrow, but it's kind of deep, don't you think?