Thursday, August 30, 2012

Almost there

I have two more days of work at the Dumass Corp.  Kind of scary (no more paychecks!), but exciting and calming all at the same time.  Since this is a 3-day weekend, my retirement doesn't officially start for me until Tuesday morning when I would normally go to work, but instead I'll stay in bed (or at least my pajamas) all day.  I can turn off the alarm clock on Friday night and never set it again.

I set down my retirement plan a couple of years ago but it's very flexible.  Maybe I can finish the novel I started 10 years ago.  Maybe I'll finally clean out the closet under the stairs that-no-man-dare-enter.  Maybe I'll buy that little house I've always wanted so I can have violet wallpaper in the bedroom and built-in bookshelves.

Maybe I'll get a job with another Dumass type company or start my own business. 

But first I'm going to do nothing.  Nothing at all.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

I've Made Up My Mind

I decided not to have the cataract surgery right now so I called and cancelled soon after I wrote the last post.  The woman who took the call pretended to be nice, but she hung up on me before I was finished.  I just don't like that clinic's vibes if you know what I mean. 

Onto other better news:

I'm retiring from the Dumass Corp. next week.  I'm 99.9% happy about it (HA! I'm ecstatic!), but the other 0.1% is worried about money.  If I live too long I may run out of money.  That's not much of a financial plan - die before you run out of money.  (I'm kidding.  Sort of.)

This last month has been a little hectic - at the Dumass office and at home , but I figure I can rest in September.  And October.  And November.  And - oh, you know where I'm going with this.

Sunday, August 05, 2012

I'm befuddled

Does anybody know if one can be fuddled?  Or can you only be befuddled?

I just looked it up.  I wanted to know that last month and didn't have time them to check.  So for those who care, fuddle is a word.  It can be a noun (a state of confusion or intoxication) or a verb (to make confused or intoxicated; to drink)  The Urban Dictionary also has a dirty definition, but we won't go down that road. 

I went to the eye doctor last week and my eyes have been uncomfortable ever since.  I think they did something to my glasses like throw them out of alignment.  And all the bright lights made my eyes hurt, and they still don't feel right.  I need cataract surgery but I didn't care for the surgeon I saw.  I admit I only saw him for 5 minutes, if that, so I don't have much to go on.  Which is one of the reason I don't like him.  I think he could have at least pretended he cared about me as a patient and not just a check.

And it's not a good time for me to have surgery.  If there is a good time.
But I need the surgery - sooner rather than later.
But I can wait if I have to.

So I'm befuddled.  I guess I'll get over it.  I always do.