Monday, April 04, 2005

Adult Humor

Did you ever notice that "Adult Humor" rarely is either?

I work in a place that gives new meaning to the term. It takes so little to amuse some of my co-workers. If you don't believe me, just break a little wind. It appears that nothing is so humorous as a good fart sound.

Mike keeps a can of ‘Fart Putty’ hidden on his desk. His manager gave it to him. (If you’ve never heard of ‘Fart Putty’, think of it as the red-neck version of silly putty.) Mike has become quite a virtuoso of Fart Putty sound effects and occasionally entertains us with an original arrangement of toots, blats, and other objectionable noises, but all it really takes is one little ‘pfutt’ to bring down the house.

Actually, you don’t have to make a sound or say the word. Just say, "But Aunt Fanny, we were using our arms!" CJ and Denise will be rolling in the aisles.

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