Tuesday, May 24, 2005

TV Updates

ABC is cutting the detective show Eyes without giving it a chance to succeed. First, they scheduled it on Thursday night against two strong competitors, including the last season of E.R. (which is several seasons past prime time.) Then they pre-empted it for sweeps month. Third, due to poor ratings, this funny and intelligent show full of good looking people is being cancelled. There must be some hidden strategy for such stupidity.

I probably could ask Paul Lee, the ABC Family president that's scheduling hilarious new family comedies for the summer. “Let’s throw away that notion of the ’50s family, and embrace the contemporary family with all its humor, passion and dysfunction,” Lee said.

Believe it or not, one of these new shows is called Pizza My Heart - ooh, isn't that a catchy title; it's about two pizza empires in New Jersey. I probably should say 'New Joisey' with rocks in my mouth because I bet that's the way at least one guy and/or gal will talk. And they'll have an IQ of 70. (For those who don't know me, I was being sarcastic when I said, "hilarious.")

Reality shows are big this summer. They make a nice change from re-runs which seem to start somewhere in September. Some of my favorite titles for new shows:

Hit Me Baby One More Time (Domestic disputes?)
I Want to Be A Hilton (Just give me the money,please)
Real Gilligan Island 2 (I get to be Ginger)
Brat Camp (Survivor losers?)

There's a new reality/game show premiering June 7 that I think I could win - Fire Me...Please.

The premise is simple - two people start work on the same day and do everything they can to get fired by 3 PM the same day. The person who gets fired the closest to 3 PM without going over wins $25,000.

The hardest part would be lasting till noon.

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