Monday, August 08, 2005


Yesterday I talked about an intersection. Well, I'm coming to a crossroads in my personal life and there are so many possible choices, I don't know which way to turn. Maybe I'll just sit here and wait for the light to change.

Like a lot of Americans, I'm about to lose my job. I know the job will be gone early next year. I don't know if I'll be able to move to the company that takes over or if I even want to.

Some days I'm excited at the thought of conquering new worlds. Some days, not so much.

One side of me says I'm too old, too tired to start over again. I just want things to stay the same till I retire. I like my job better than most I've had. I like the people on my team better than most I've worked with. I don't want to have to have other people get used to me. Because, let's face it, I take a lot of getting used to. My drummer is a couple of measures off the beat.

Part of me says this is a good thing. A chance to start over. To move to another town, another state, to find another road to travel, new scenery, new brands in the grocery store. An opportunity for more opportunities.

Part of me says, Oh, Crap!

The most frustrating thing is that it's out of my hands. Nobody asked my opinion before they did this. Nobody asked my permission to change my life.

I went through this 3 years ago when my last department was sold to the highest bidder. While I was waiting for the end, I took two classes. One was in Microsoft Access, the other in Outdoor Survival. I figured I was covered - the Access skills if I got a job, the Survival skills if I didn't. It's always best to be prepared for what ever life throws at you.

Today, I say "What the hell." I knew this wouldn't last forever. I'll go where the winds goes. I'll seek fame and fortune on the other side of the city. Or the state. Or the world. Where ever, what ever.

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