Indiana is going to start Daylight Saving Time this spring. Our govenor considers it one of his greatest accomplishments, claiming it will save Hoosiers millions of dollars and bring businesses beating down our barndoors. Most Hoosier take a perverse pride in being Hoosiers and in doing all things the Hoosier-way, which means playing basketball and not messing with Mother Nature. To us, when it came to Daylight Saving Time, Hoosiers were right and the rest of the nation was wrong (except for Arizona and Hawaii who still see no need to screw with time.) We were special. Indiana even had it's own time on computer clocks.
Honestly, what does DST accomplish? You can't really save time, it's not natural expecting people to get up before the sun does, and cows hate it. Really, Mitch, nobody likes a disgruntled cow.
I used to work in a state that changed clocks twice a year. I worked the third shift and I swear I was always at work when the night was an hour longer and at home asleep when it was an hour shorter. Really, Mitch, nobody likes a disgruntled me.
Get use to changes, fellow Hoosiers. (1) The clock on the wall changes twice a year. (2) The names of time zones change each time DST comes and goes. (3) This year DST runs from April 2 through October 29. Next year (and every year after, until America comes to its senses), it runs from March to November. (4) What next? six months of the year we're Indiana and the other six months were Anaidni?
1 comment:
I know, right?! What's the deal with DST? It makes no sense. I know I'm not all knowing, but I try to read the Indy Star and CNN online everyday. I don't recall reading about uprisings across the nation, or across Indiana by businessmen claiming they are about to go under because Indiana won't follow the "time rules". Nor do I recall federal oversight hearings on how the rogue state of Indiana is undermining national security because the FBI can't figure out what time Indiana crimes are being committed here(though the NSA certainly has no problems with it, considering they are tapping into our conversations and the goverment sees no problem with it--oh, perhaps the same government hereditary line that decided Indiana couldn't function without enacting DST?).
I don't know, it all just seems silly to me. Arbitrarily switching our clocks back and forth a couple times a year? I've still yet to see good evidence that the rogue states' chronological insolence causes economic damage and that alienating our clocks and our sense of time from a natural continuity will rectify the situation.
Jeramy (the nephew)
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