Today is the first day of Daylight Saving Time for Indiana and I'm still working on adjusting clocks to the "correct" time.
I started setting my clocks ahead about 9 o'clock last night and I still have at least two to go: the one on my VCR and the one in my car. Both will probably take till next fall before I get them right and then I'll have to do it again, but at least the directions will be fresh in my mind.
I woke this morning to a funny low-pitched sound that, while I was still mostly asleep, I attributed to rain. It wasn't rain, it was the timer on my stove. I never use that timer so I must have accidently set it when I reset the clock. I have no idea how it works, but I managed to shut the thing off. At least temporarily. I probably won't know till tonight if I was successful in silencing it permanently.
I have always heard that Indiana resisted Daylight Saving Time because we are an agriculture state and it would upset the cows. I wonder how they feel this morning. While waiting for Farmer John to get to the barn for the morning milking, did Bossy look at Elsie and say, "What time is it, anyway?"
Even the cows think DST is utterly ridiculous.
(Cartoon cows courtesy of
Cows can't talk silly!
They can talk silly as well as they can talk sensibly.
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