Thursday, January 18, 2007

The TV Critic - day 2

Have you seen the new version of the Apprentice? It's now set in LA (A classic jump the shark move) and has some of the stupidest changes ever seen on televsion. What were they thinking: The losing contestents have to live in tents for a week. They don't change project managers on the winning team. Next week the winning team doesn't even have to participate in the stunt. That's going to give them a distinct advantage, don't you think? There had better be some kind of twist to that or it's just plain stupid.

And the Donald and Rosie and Barbara feud? Just grow up already. It reeks of a pathetic publicity stunt to promote The Apprentice and The View starring Rosie O'Donnell
Talk about jumping the shark - Barbara, what were you thinking when you hired Rosie to be the hostess of The View? Not that I care one way or another - I don't like listening to three self-importent and one why-is-she-even-there/who-is-she women.

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