Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Just give her a medal and be done with it

I haven't posted for a few days because I worked overtime every day this week. I don't know why I do that except I take my job seriously. Too seriously I guess. It's hard to communicate to other staff why I feel the need to do a good job - I get paid to work and to waste time would be stealing from the company. Doesn't matter if it's an ungrateful company that has less regard for me than it does for boxes of copy paper. I work for me - the company gives me the paycheck, but I'm responsible to me. And I'm a tough boss.

I don't work in a vacuum and a weak link can negate all my efforts. Sometimes I feel like I'm a fool for trying to do a bettr job because too many other people just see the job as a paycheck. And why is it a crime to learn something new for the job outside of work hours if it's going to let you do your job better and faster?

It's a daily struggle to identify my feelings - smug and self-satisfied, frustrated, or who gives a rat's hat.

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