Saturday, July 14, 2007

I had a dream

I had a dream last night that I was driving up a steep hill on a gravel road that seemed to get steeper as I was driving till I was afraid I was going to fall off backwards. I pushed the pedal all the way to the floor to speed over the hill before it was too late, but just before I went over the crest I thought, without slowing down, "$*&%! I don't know what's on the other side!"

The other side was bumpy and narrow and seemed to be in the middle of nowhere, but it was there. And I survived. I didn't even wake up in a cold sweat.

I haven't had that dream about driving up a steep hill for a long time.

I googled "steep hill" and "dream interpretation". It means that there is tension in my life, things are difficult, but leading to higher things.

And by the way, I do have a difficult decision to make right now and I don't know what course I'm going to take. I feel like I'm climbing that gravel road up that hill barefoot. But life could be worse, so I'm not complaining. At least not to you.

On another note, even though I had to abandon the car, travel through a tunnel, and go down a strange slide while sitting on a gunny sack, the road eventually led to a hotel. I unexpectedly met a man there that I was suppose to go on a blind date with later that week. To my surprise, he got more "friendly" than most strangers get on first meeting (if you know what I mean). When I got him backed up, I got an even bigger surprise. It was Mark Derwin from the old Bonnie Hunt show, Life with Bonnie. When the show was on, I always thought he was sexy in a husbandly sort of way, but I had to look up his name as well as the name of the show right now because I had no idea what either was.

Aren't dreams crazy?

Or is it just us?

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