Monday, August 20, 2007

I like to pretend that I don't watch TV, but of course I do. I've been watching TV for over half a century now and it's kind of become a habit.

However, ............

I'm seriously thinking of giving it up. It's that stupid time between seasons when the major networks like to show stupid re-runs. I know it's really hard to tell the difference because it seems like there is nothing on but re-runs all year long.

I've heard that "the major networks" are worried that cable TV is stealing all their customers. So what do they do to woo us back to them? They show us re-runs of shows we didn't want to watch in the first place.

I'm too cheap to pay for cable so I'm going to have to get new glasses and start reading all the books I've been collecting. The problem with that is I have to think to read and as I said last session, my job sucks the life right out of me. I don't want to think when I come home from work. I've spent all day thinking about how much I hate my job.

I can't tell you the name of the company I work for, but at they score -160. That's right, negative 160.

See, it's not just me!

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