Today is Labor Day. I celebrated by laying around the house and doing nothing.
I watched TV. I watched a couple of minutes of Martha Stewart. Her hair dresser is opening a new shop in downtown Manhattan. I spent a couple more minutes wondering if her hair dresser had to pay for the "free" advertising or if Martha ran a short about the new shop's construction just to be nice. I watched about 3 minutes of The View but their bickering was annoying so I watched a little bit of Ellen and Will Smith. He seemed nervous. Then it was time for a rerun of Andy Griffith. It was the one where Howard's mother got married and Howard moved into his own bachelor pad.
Then I didn't really watch I Love Lucy which was the one where they're all coming back from California on a train and Lucy keeps pulling the emergency brake.
Then I watched Andy Griffith in Matlock. It was part 1 of a 2 part show and I have to go to work tomorrow. I've seen the show before but I can't remember who dunit. It was the show with flashbacks of Matlock's father and the time he was arrested for murder and Matlock is defending the son of the man who eventually got convicted of the murder. It seems like everytime I'm at home during the week and watch Matlock, it's part 1 of a 2 part show and I can't see the second show unless I come home for lunch or pretend to be sick and stay home all day.
Then I watched the comedy lineup on the religious channel. They start with My 3 Sons. I was lucky - it was a show about Katie's aunt that they don't show very often. I think I've seen it once before. Then there's Laverne and Shirly and an episode I'd never seen before - it was one of the later shows. Even Shirly must have been tired of the show by then because she was gone. And I don't think I'd seen the episode of Happy Days which was next or the episode of Hogan's Heroes which followed that.
Then I took a shower. Then it was time for WESTERNS. I watched Bonanza which was the episode where Ben gets kidnapped and then Gunsmoke which was the episode where Dodge city almost ran out of water.
So all in all it wasn't a bad day.
Hope you all had a good Labor Day and didn't have to Labor any more than I did.
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