Friday, June 12, 2009


They did it, didn't they? They said they would and so they did. They screwed up my television so I can't watch a single show. They claim it was the best thing for the nation. They also claim that now you can watch more 'free' shows. Free?

I either have to replace 2 TVs that worked yesterday, switch to cable and pay $30 - $100 a month, or buy an "inexpensive" converter box that costs $50 or more. Does that sound free to you?

I bought one of the converter boxes last year because I'd heard how great they were. One of the IT guys at work was extolling their virtue months ago. He claimed his parents could watch twice as many shows.

So I bought it, I set it up (which wasn't as easy as they make it sound - the directions STANK!), and I took it off. It didn't even last through one show. I hated it. I hated the remote control, I hated that I couldn't get all the programs I got before, I hated wasting my money and my time.

I should have known better than to trust an IT guy.

So I'm without TV. On purpose. It's my little protest against tyranny. It may be one of the shortest protests in history.

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