I think I told you I bought a Wii several months ago. I planned to use it to get more exercise since I can't exercise outside when it's too cold (under 50) because I wheeze nor can I exercise outside when it's too hot (over 75) because it's too hot. So far Wii hasn't motivated me to get my lazy butt off the chair more than once a month, but I do trip over the balance board frequently.
Saturday I bought the new Biggest Loser Wii game that's supposed to whip you into shape much like the TV show does its contestants. Yesterday afternoon I loaded it up and started a beginner's program. It had me warm up for 6 minutes by walking and jogging in place - not that one could see much difference between the two when I did them - then I selected an easy 16 minute upper body workout. It consisted of "boxing" and push-ups.
I like boxing. I don't like push-ups.
I did the boxing as best I could, but co-ordination is NOT my middle name and I had trouble following the simple steps. Step forward on the right foot as you punch with the right arm, touch step the left foot and jab with the left arm, step back on the left foot and then the right. Sounds easy, doesn't it?
HA! I've got 2 left feet and they both tried to do the right foot routine. Then Jillian (the trainer) threw in lifting the right knee up as you brought the right foot back. I found if I just stood on the balance board, I got a "perfect" from the feedback meter. Apparently, I'm pretty good at standing around, doing nothing.
I gave up punching and tried to get the foot work down, and almost succeeded.
Then they switched to push-ups. From the floor. I don't do floor work so I sat on the couch and watched Jillian and my fat little avitar do some "planks" and some push-ups.
Then back to the "boxing". Then back to the couch. Then back to the "boxing". Then back to the couch. I kept waiting for different exercises, but it never happened. Even Jillian looked bored. My fat little avitar was off screen most of the time - I think she'd found her own couch behind Jillian's back.
We did do every step of the cool-down routine. Actually "step" may be the wrong term. We stood on the balance beam and did arm stretches.
Then I had a piece of chocolate cake. Without ice cream.
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