They changed the time again. I must be getting used to it because here it is 4 days after the fact and I'm just not gripping about it in public. Or maybe it's because I didn't have to complain this year. Everybody else was doing it for me.
I must have received nearly a half dozen emails from the East coast to Indiana which began or ended "I wish they'd just leave the time alone." Sometimes it was "the *&^% time alone". And every day this week when 10:00 rolls around at work somebody says "I'm starving" and follows it up with "That's because it's actually 11:00". And it's not me.
I'm resigned to DST, but since they changed the time back to real time, it's been getting dark about the time I get home. I think they've got it all backwards. When the days are shorter is when I need that extra hour of sunlight in the evening.
Nobody has ever spent a minute they saved with Daylight Saving Time.
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