Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I didn't forget

I bet you think I forgot my semi-annual rant about Daylight Saving Time. I didn't forget. I'm just too tired to find the energy to complain. I know that doesn't sound like me, but I'm really, really tired. DST always upsets my inner clock.

Last night I was falling asleep about 9:20 then I realized that it was only 8:20 in real time soI refused to go to sleep. Then I stayed up too late but I got up too early this morning because even though the clock said 6 o'clock it was only 5 o'clock and that's waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too early for sensible people to get out of bed. I'm not real happy with getting up before 8.

My motto is "If the sun ain't working, then neither am I."

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