Sunday, September 05, 2010

I hab a cold

Of course, I do.  I have a 3-day weekend off and I have a cold.  I know who gave it to me. She got sick during the week so took 1 1/2 days off work but first she came to work at the height of her cold when she was snotting all over the place and sharing her germs, if you know what I mean. 

One and one half days doesn't sound like much time off but she doesn't come to work much anyway what with one thing or another.  And there's a good chance she'll still be too sick on Tuesday to go to work.

I'll be better by then, of course.  So I can go to work.  Wouldn't want to miss work at the good ol' Dumass Company, would I?

I'm not very nice when I'm sick.

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