Tuesday, October 05, 2010

In My Opinion - Rehashed

I have strong opinions.  I've been around the block a few times and I've been observant.  So I think what I think because I'm right.   Just in case nobody noticed the last time I expressed these opinions I'm telling you again.  It will give you something to talk about at dinner tonight.

I bought one of those new "gourmet" (read more expensive) frozen dinner for two the other night.  The package said it contained two 1 1/2 cup servings, but it only contained 11 oz.  No matter how you measure it that does not equal 3 cups which is 24 ounces by American measurement.  I'm not sure what measurement the food companies are using now days.  Lilliputian?  Surely this is being monitored by some government agency.  I fear they may not know how to add or multiply and thus haven't discovered these discrepancies.  Or possibly they think the American public are too stupid to notice. Too jaded, too "used to it", too tired to complain, maybe, but most of us aren't that stupid.

I recently saw some news on TV and read more on-line that have driven me to once again bring up the fact that executives that EXPECT multi-million dollar salaries and bonuses while firing good workers and denying them pay raises are morally and ethically bankrupt and such mind-think is socially and economically reprehensible.  The American workforce is being held hostage by these money-grubby, self-indulgent, self-important (add your own expletive).  Possibly they think the American workers are too stupid to notice. Too jaded, too "used to it", too tired to complain, maybe, but most of us aren't that stupid.  And most of us are complaining.  What we need now is action. 


Why do they call "reality shows" reality shows?  There's very little real about them.  This is a definition of reality television from Wikipedia: "Reality television is a genre of television programming that presents purportedly unscripted dramatic or humorous situations, documents actual events, and usually features ordinary people instead of professional actors."  The key word there is "purportedly" (as the Wikipedia article goes on to explain (See? It's not just my opinion).  Many of these "reality shows" are scripted, edited, re-shot, and otherwise manipulated.  Many of the "ordinary" people are want-a-be actors.  And excuse me, but professional actors are "ordinary".  They may have a talent for acting, but can they do what us "ordinary" people do at our jobs every day for a whole lot less money?  Some of us save lives, protect lives, make lives more comfortable for others, protect the environment, clean the environment, teach others, bless others.  There's nothing ordinary about most of us.

That's just a few of my opinions.  Most of them I keep to myself.  Most of the time. 

Some of them.  Some of the time.

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