Friday, February 04, 2011

Snow Geese

What a weather week this has been.  First it rained a little, then the rain turned to ice, then it turned to sleet, then to snow, then a little more sleet, than a little more ice, then a little snow and a little more sleet, than a lot more ice, then a little more snow.  And that was all in one day!

Then we had some sunshine.  It was nice while it lasted, but it's supposed to snow again tonight.

When I got home from work this afternoon, I was happy to see that my sidewalks had been cleared by the apartment complex groundskeepers.  Till I got to the sidewalk leading from the main sidewalk to my front door.  For some reason they missed it.  I'm a little ticked at that.  I've lived here at least 5 times as long as the people in the other apartments and they cleared their sidewalks.

Sometimes I think they take me for granted because I've been here so long and I don't complain.  Much.

On a lighter side, we saw a flock of geese on a frozen river this afternoon.  We couldn't help but laugh at the poor things as they tried to walk across the ice.  They weren't any more graceful than I am on a slippery sidewalk.

I hope I don't find a bunch of them outside my door tomorrow waiting to point and laugh at me as I try to walk across the frozen sidewalk. 

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