Friday, June 17, 2011

Somebody's Hero

I picked up a story on Fox News this morning about a fellow blogger, 15 year old Alice Pyne from England. Alice seems very upbeat for a 15 year old girl with a hazy future.

Alice has Hodgkin's lymphoma, has had for 4 years, and it's getting worse. Her blog lists some of the items on her "bucket list", a list of things she'd like to do in her life time.  She knows that there is a strong possibility that she will never have an opportunity to achieve some them, but that doesn't stop her from dreaming and planning and living.

The top item on her bucket list is "To make everyone sign up to be a bone marrow donor".  I'm too old to donate now, so I'm passing her message on to you.  If you're interested in saving lives, learn more about becoming a bone marrow donor at   How often do you get a chance to be somebody's hero?

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