I think you know how I feel about the money-grubbing, self-important, soulless executives in modern corporate America. I'm just saying. It doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the next paragraph.
On-line articles I've read have indicated that it's the HP board one should blame. So besides the money-grubbing, self-important, soulless executives in modern corporate America we can add money-grubbing, self-important, soulless executives in modern corporate boards to the proverbial dart board.
Anyway. The Hewlett Packard CEO, Leo Apotheker, was asked to resign after an 11 month tenure. Can you call that a "tenure"? He got over $25,000,000 on his way out the door. Who but an over-paid executive would get $25,000,000 as a bonus for doing a lousy job? I bet the HP employees don't even get $25 this Christmas for doing a good job.
And another subject. A little out-of-this-world. Space crap will be falling out of the skies this weekend between 11 p.m. Friday and 3 a.m. Saturday, EST. NASA and others want to assure you that there is very little danger of it falling on your head. Odds are it will fall in the water. Hopefully not in my bathtub.
If we're lucky, it will land on some money-grubbing, self-important, soulless executives attending a board meeting on a yacht.
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