Tuesday, February 28, 2012

How Rude!

I'm not a big fan of people carrying cell phones (mobile phones) around.  They are so annoying.  The people, not the phones.  Here are ten short tips that you should do with your cell phone to keep from annoying me:
  1. Don't talk on the phone while trying to drive.  Some people just can't do this right any more than they can talk and walk at the same time.  The saddest part is that I know 99% of you just said, "HA!  I know somebody like that - but it's not me."  If you hear me yelling " Get that *&^% thing out of your ear and drive!" you'll know it is too you.
  2. Ditto for trying to push a cart around the grocery store. 
  3. Do turn off the *&^% ringer when you're in a public place - like the office where you work.  Or at least the office where I work. 
  4. If I'm talking to you and the phone rings or vibrates or whatever, just leave it - the caller will leave a message.  If you just have to answer it due to a freaky compulsion of some kind, say "Excuse me, I need to take this call".  "Excuse me" - just two little words - learn them by heart and use them frequently. 
  5. If you have a headset or an earbud and you're talking to somebody and the thing is hidden by your hat, hair or the side of your face, it can be difficult to tell that  you're not talking to yourself.  This can be rather disconcerting to your fellow shoppers who are thinking "Is she talking to me?  Should I answer?  Should I walk nonchalantly, but quickly, toward security?"
  6. Don't use the cell phone while sitting in a stall in a public restroom.  It's inhibiting to the rest of us.
  7. Don't show me those cute little pics of your cute little dog or cute little niece in that cute little window on your phone.  I'll go "Aw, isn't that cute", but to tell you the truth I can't tell which is which when the picture is that little.
  8. If you're in the middle of the store and your barely old enough to be potty-trained kid is repeating over and over and over, "Mommy, I have to go! Mommy, I have to go!" just get off the phone.  What's more important anyway?
  9. It's impolite to type and/or read text messages during meetings, at the dinner table, and when you're supposed to be listening to me.
  10. And if you're going to have a "private" conversation in public, speak up so we don't have to strain to hear the good parts. 

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