Saturday, May 05, 2012

I'm still sick

I can't believe it.  I'm still coughing, hacking, and wheezing.  I sound like crap and I look worse.  My voice is so hoarse that I even stopped talking to myself.

It must be my age.  It didn't used to take me this long to get over a simple cold.  When I was younger, I just refused to accept illness and pain.  Mind over matter.  When did I lose that part of my mind?  I mean, the part that mattered?

I've been at home all week. Inside.  I only went outside twice.  Not only am I going stir crazy, I'm running out of food.  The milk expired.  I broke my last egg.  I slurped the last can of soup days ago. 

I did discover a new recipe though.  Quick, easy, and nutritious with only one pot to clean afterwards.  I made it up myself but I doubt if I was the first.

Pasta Primavera

1 cup whole wheat pasta
1 box Green Giant frozen Antioxidant Blend mixed vegetables (broccoli, carrots, and sweet pepper strips in a garlic-herb infused olive oil)

Boil pasta for about 10 minutes (follow directions on box)
Cook vegetables according to package directions when pasta is about half way done.

Drain pasta when done to your liking.  Return pasta to pot. 
Add vegetables.  Stir. 
Put a generous helping on your plate, sprinkle with cheese, and eat it.

I used Mexican cheese blend because that's what I had, but I would have preferred an Italian blend.  Parmesan cheese would be good.   I only had about 1 - 2 tablespoons of the cheese and that was about the right amount.

You could add about 2 ounces of cooked chicken or turkey, or even tuna if you wanted.  And if you had some.


Shannon said...

The pasta sounds good. I might try to make it before I move. Still sick? Take care of yourself and get to the market! I start panicking when milk runs out!

Mo said...

Good news - I finally went back to work today and stopped at the grocery store on the way home. A little too much too soon as I was kind of wobbly by the time I got in my door this afternoon. But Shannon will be happy to hear I finally have milk again.