Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Here's to new seasons

This is an exercise in imagery. It started out to be something else, but I'm very good at adapting to my moods.

It’s springtime in Indiana. A time when nature tries on new finery, casts it off and retrieves the old winter coat, then explores another, brighter outfit, only to return to the comfortable old coat again and again. This cycle continues several weeks before she finally settles into warm weather attire and is ready to face a new season.

On another, similar note, Mike became a home owner today. As I read on a Hallmark card this evening, "There's no place like home - especially when it's your own place." Congratulations, Mike! I hope you have many happy years in your new home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thankyou Martha, that was very kind of you! Now if you only told me the sod was mine for the taking!

