Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Only in Indiana

Looking for something to do this month?

I've never been there, but this place comes highly recommended - the Tel-Hy Nature Preserve in Huntington County.

ACRES describes it as "high bluffs giving a splendid view of the winding Wabash River, ... alive with wildflowers and large, old trees. Ravines ...beech and hard maple ... hillsides display patches of wild ginger, celandine poppy, Virginia blue bell, and rue anemone."

At this time of year, there may not be many blooming wildflowers, but the ravines should be awash in enough autumn color for everyone to say, "Ooohhh".

Not to mention, that while you’re there you can tour Hy Goldenberg’s outhouse collection. Yep, the old outhouse collection.

Go to http://www.acres-land-trust.org/preserve-Tel-Hy.htm to see pictures of the privies as well as the wildflowers.

What more could you ask for a weekend road trip?

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