Tuesday, October 11, 2005


You may have read my earlier posts about an outhouse collection and the joke about Sears' catalogue?

I have quite a repertoire of stories about outhouses and bathrooms, but I don't tell them much any more so I have decided to do a series of postings about them. Maybe enough to compile a short book for use in the bathroom, (the outhouse, the john, the head, the privy, the loo, the lavatory, the little girls' room, the office, the necessary, the ladies, the gents, the water closet, the library, the washroom, the restroom, the convenience, the comfort station, the duty station) while sitting on the toilet, (the stool, the pot, the throne, the crapper, the commode, the can).

I didn't set out in life to develop a set of toilet tales. I didn't even realize I told so many (too many?) until fellow workers at St. V's gave me an unusual gift - a portable roll of toilet paper. Apparently, when I returned from a tour abroad, I had more stories about European bathrooms than museums.

I can't help it if humorous things happen in outhouses and bathrooms. It's part of life and life is funny when you see it from my side of the door. And as Mike would say, "It's my duty to share my observations with the rest of the world."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
