Saturday, January 14, 2006

Annoying Crap

People who know me know that I'm easily annoyed. By the time one reaches my age, one has encountered a lot of crap and, let’s face it, there’s only so much crap one person can stand in one lifetime. Not only am I easily irritated, I like to share my frustrations with other people so they know not to provoke me with the same crap.

What brought up this topic was a recent email from a former co-worker. I occasionally get emails from her of the “pass this on to 10 people and save the world” variety. All of which I promptly delete, because responsible people always dispose of crap before it has a chance to pile up.

The major irritants today were (1) those emails annoy me unless they’re actually funny or very profound (and if they’re worth sharing with others, I don’t need threats about the dire consequences of not passing them on to figure that out); (2) this particular acquaintance rarely sends me anything BUT those annoying emails.

Last week I had written her about a company where she once worked. Her reply (sent to 100 of her closest friends) was an email claiming that God didn’t have time to write my name in the Book of Life because I didn’t have time to annoy 10 of my friends with that particular email. Hey, I know God and He didn’t care what I did with that email.

Although He’s not really fond of my constant use of the word crap.

I looked up synonyms for crap when I started this posting and learned that crap is a taboo term meaning “worthless, useless, or lacking in ability”. That brought to mind a saying (which I just made up) that I want to share with you – and please feel free to pass it on to 10 or 20 of your closest friends.

Just because the shoes fit, honey, you ain’t necessarily Cinderella.


Anonymous said...

Preach it sister!

I don't think it's your age that causes you 2b easily annoyed at stupidity. You came by it honestly--I think it's a family trait. Either that, or it's a learned trait. If that's true then you were a good teacher. :)

In either case, there should be a special word for being annoyed at other people's stupidity. "Annoyed" seems to have a negative connotation, an emotion that reflects badly on the one experiencing it, almost as if the factor causing us to feel annoyed isn't really that bad, that we as annoyed people are simply uptight and overly sensitive.

But such is not the case when dealing with stupid people. "Righteous indignation" is too long and seems a little grandiose. I don't know of another word that's more appropriate. Perhaps simply reclaiming the word "annoy"? I don't know. "Words" aren't my area of expertise. I'll let you ponder it and maybe solve my dilemma, seeing as you're the writer.

Have a great day!!! (i.e., may stupid people not cross your path)


Anonymous said...

Jeramy is my nephew. When he was younger, he was easily embarrassed when I expressed my annoyance publicly by instructing people on appropriate ways to overcome their stupidity. It's nice to know that at some point he realized I was right all along.