Sunday, December 31, 2006
The Past and the Future
I was just checking out last year's horoscope on AOL to see how accurate it wasn't. It was a little too close for comfort, if you know what I mean. It said "You're such a responsible friend and member of the team that you could wear yourself out finishing the work others leave undone this year. It's nice to be nice, of course, but in all fairness to yourself, make sure that they do their part too. This will free you to explore your own dreams and fantasies, instead of staying stuck in someone else's reality."
It's nice to be nice, of course, but in all fairness to yourself, make sure that they do their part too:
I started a new job this spring with fewer responsibilities and had planned to concentrate more on my personal writing, but I let the job get in the way. I won't go into all the gory details, but part of the problem was that I was the only experienced person on the team and I had to do a lot of training, explaining, and just plain "I'll do it myselfing". I didn't mind that - we'll all new to a job sometime and my philosophy is that the more I teach you to do the less I have to do. But one member of the team had no idea how to work. I don't just mean how to do the job, I mean how to work, and it didn't appear as if he intended to learn how. I expended too much unnecessary time and energy "babysitting" him.
You're such a responsible friend and member of the team that you could wear yourself out finishing the work others leave undone this year: The non-worker got fired in November so now I'm stuck doing his job as well as mine. He didn't do much so it wouldn't be so hard doing his job except people expect me to do the work to my usual standards not his. AND he only half-a***** what little he did do. Trying to figure out the What & How of each of his project is stressing me out.
This will free you to explore your own dreams and fantasies, instead of staying stuck in someone else's reality: Have you got any idea how many times I used the word "stuck" this year when talking to myself about myself?
This is an excerpt from the article's horoscope for 2007 for Libras "These [four eclipses] suggest that you could use more time to yourself, as the demands of work may be heavier than normal." And another, "It's time to be a leader and play a more active role in directing events socially or on the job."
It's a good thing I don't believe in horoscopes or I'd go back to bed and pull the covers over my head.
Friday, December 29, 2006
Counting down

- Get better at complaining and grouchiness. I've been practicing, but apparently not the right way because I'm not really good at it yet. Quantity does not equal quality.
- Run away from home.
- Dye my hair blonde, or purple. I can't make up my mind. Maybe I'll do half and half until I can decide.
- Learn to play drums.
- Remember.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
I recently found another wiki called wikiHow. As recorded on their home page ( "wikiHow is a collaborative writing project to build the world's largest how-to manual. With your contributions, we can create a free resource that helps people by offering clear, concise solutions to the problems of everyday life. wikiHow currently contains 15,245 articles written, edited, and maintained primarily by volunteers."
Here are some of the featured articles on there today:
Create a Flashlight
Build a Panoramic Tripod Head
Do a Valdez
Build a Belt Buckle
Make a Cereal Box and Juice Carton Placemat
Care for a Donkey
Get Rid of Junk Mail
Make Feta Cheese
Survive an Avalanche
Read a Binary Clock
There something there for just about everybody. If you go to the category, Finance and Business/Legal Matters, you can learn how to "Help a friend who gets arrested in the middle of the night" or (if you don't have a friend) "Arrange for Bail While in Jail". Now that's good stuff.
Monday, December 25, 2006
Merry Christmas!
I just took the Persimmon Pudding out of the oven and it's resting on the counter, filling the whole place with an aroma of cinnamon, nutmeg, and ginger. The Dilly Bread is rising on top of a pan of hot water because it's a little chilly in here, even with all the baking. The turkey is waiting patiently to take it's turn in the oven. It knows that this afternoon it will be the star of the Christmas dinner. I made an Apple Mince Pie last night. It's so good. I know becaue I've already had a piece (I had to test it, didn't I?).

Let there be peace on earth,
and let it begin with me.
Let there be peace on Earth,
the peace that was meant to be.
With God as our Father,
brothers all are we,
Let me walk with my brother,
in perfect harmony.
Let peace begin with me,
let this be the moment now.
With every step I take,
let this be my solemn vow,
To take each moment and live each moment
in peace, eternally.
Let there be Peace on Earth,
and let it begin with me.

Friday, December 22, 2006
Today's Forecast is Stormy
"You are very busy this holiday season, and it's not going to let up. Today could push you right to the edge. Nevertheless, don't let yourself get pulled into the craziness, especially if it's unnecessary. Keep your eyes on your goals and worry just a little less about everyone else. If you slip off track, just consciously get back to your original plan."
See, even the stars know I'm being pushed to my limit.
My original plan was to do as little as possible at my new job, And, obviusly, I need to stick to that for the rest of the year. So if anybody wants anything today I'll just say "Have a Merry Christmas! Let's talk after the holidays when my stars are in better alignment." Then, while they're trying to figure out what I meant by that, I'll just quietly slip away to find some Christmas chocolate.
Hope you have a good stash of chocolate for yourself when you need it most.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
I want a do-over
Life can be like that sometimes.
You're feeling bad and you think it all "sucks swamp water through a straw". You're in an ugly mood and you're looking at the world through ugly glasses. You just want to go to bed and pull the covers over your head.
Then you take a second look. You hear a baby giggle, you see the slightest green leaf beginning to form on a plant you thought was dead, somebody smiles at you and you smile back instead of snarling. And you decide maybe you can make it to the end of the day.
Then sometimes you take another look and you realize that life really does suck and you just want this year to end so you can start all over.

Friday, December 15, 2006
A recent United Nations' global study found that:
- If you have assets of just $2,200 per adult in your home, you are richer than 50% of the people around the world.
- If you have assets of $61,000, you're in the top 10% of the world's wealthiest people.
- If you have more than $500,000, you belong in the elite group of the top 1%.
The three richest people in the world (Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates, investor Warren Buffett, and Mexican telecom mogul Carlos Slim HelĂș) have more money than the poorest 48 nations combined. [an aside: It's almost Christmas, I'm not going to pick on Bill today.]

Speaking of money: here's a neat trick for giving money instead of a shirt for Christmas when you don't know what size, color, etc. You'll also save on wrapping paper - it fits in an envelope so it's easy to wrap or mail. And if you're a real cheap skate, or in the bottom 50% of the world's weathiest people (and a lot of us have been there at one time or another), maybe you can dazzle the recipient with your craftsmanship so they won't notice it's only a one dollar bill.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
That Time of Year
Indulge in something chocolate or peppermint or both. Settle in a comfy chair with a cup of tea and enjoy favorite Christmas hymns while you take the time to remember that Jesus is the reason for the season. Exercise to some peppy holiday tunes. (If you live in the Indianapolis area, you can catch carols 24/7 on the radio at 93.9 on your FM dial.)
And don't forget to be merry.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006
No time
I shopped for a clock today, but didn't find one I wanted. At the store, I had my choice of black, white, or too expensive. So I chose not to get a clock from that store.
When I find the time, I'll look for a clock somewhere else.
Saturday, December 09, 2006
What time is it?
I don't recall what year I bought that clock, but I remember why. My niece, Kristin, couldn't understand why I didn't have a clock.
"But, Aunt Martha, how do you know what time it is?" she asked.
"I don't need to know what time it is." I replied.
She couldn't understand why I didn't care what time it was. To be truthful, I can't remember what was happening in my life that made time so irrelevant to my living.
Maybe it was my living that was irrelevant to time.
Watch the seasonal favorite "It's a Wonderful Life", then ponder that question sometime between now and the new year. Let me know if you reach any conclusions or if it was just good for putting you to sleep quickly.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
A little bit softer now
But if you want to know what rock music sounded like in the beginning - yeah, like before there was fire - go to the 50's Jukebox.
I grew up on this music. My eldest sister was a teenager when this music was playing on the little transitor radio she kept under her pillow at night. She didn't really share it with us, her pesky little sisters, but we couldn't help hearing the tunes now and then.
Who can forget those catchy lyrics that went something like "7 little girls sitting in the back seat kissing and hugging with Fred" or "Who walked in the class room, cool and slow, who called the English teacher Daddy-O" or "Kookie, lend me your comb"? Or the Saturday-night-alone classics like the poignant "I've been cheated, been mistreated, When will I be loved" or the wistful "Each night I ask the stars up above Why must I be a teenager in love"?
Clear the floor and put another coin in the jukebox. Get up on your feet and check out the Isley Brothers singing "Shout!"
OH YEAH! You're a little bit louder now.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Two gloves don't necessarily equal a pair.
But, ya know what? I went shopping & the first store I stopped at had gloves on sale! So I got two pairs. One warm pair, and one even warmer pair. I wore the warm pair out today. And, know what? I want a matching hat, scarf, and coat. Those gloves sure felt good, and warm!
Know what else? I can only find one of them now.
Dang it!
Monday, December 04, 2006
There's nothing like the aroma ...
I baked Dilly Casserole Bread this evening when I got home from work. Right now it's sitting on the counter, cooling for 15 minutes just like the recipe said. I'm only waiting to cut into it to prove I can.
The question is can I wait the whole 15 minutes?
I wouldn't make book on it. I can already hear it calling my name, a seductive whisper now, but I know soon it will be shouting, mocking me, daring me to ignore the directions, and live wild.
Uh, I gotta go. Here's the recipe - see how long you can hold out .
Dilly Casserole Bread
2 – 2 2/3 cups flour
2 tablespoons sugar
1 – 3 tsp instant minced onion
2 tsp dill seed
1 tsp salt
1/4 tsp baking soda
1 pkg active dry yeast
1/4 cup water
1 tablespoons margarine or butter
1 cup small curd creamed cottage cheese
1 egg
2 tsp margarine or butter, melted
1/4 tsp coarse salt, if desired.
In large bowl, combine 1 cup flour, sugar, onion, dill seed, 1 teaspoon salt, baking soda and yeast; mix well.
In small saucepan, heat water, 1 tablespoon margarine and cottage cheese until very warm (120 to 130°F.). Add warm liquid and egg to flour mixture; blend at low speed until moistened. Beat 3 minutes at medium speed.
By hand, stir in remaining 1 to 1 2/3 cups flour to form a stiff batter. Cover loosely with greased plastic wrap and cloth towel. Let rise in warm place (80 to 85°F.) until light and doubled in size, 45 to 60 minutes.
Generously grease 1 1/2 or 2-quart casserole. Stir down batter to remove all air bubbles. Turn into greased casserole. Cover; let rise in warm place until light and doubled in size, 30 to 45 minutes.
Heat oven to 350°F. Uncover dough. Bake 30 to 40 minutes or until loaf is deep golden brown and sounds hollow when lightly tapped. If necessary, cover with foil to prevent overbrowning.
Remove from casserole; place on wire rack. Brush loaf with melted margarine; sprinkle with coarse salt. Cool 15 minutes. Serve warm or cool.
Food Processor Directions: 1. In small bowl, soften yeast in 1/4 cup warm water (105 to 115°F.). In food processor bowl with metal blade, combine 2 cups flour, sugar, onion, dill seed, 1 teaspoon salt, baking soda and 1 tablespoon margarine. Cover; process 5 seconds. Add cottage cheese and egg. Cover; process about 10 seconds or until blended. 2. With machine running, pour yeast mixture through feed tube. Continue processing until blended, about 20 seconds or until mixture pulls away from sides of bowl and forms a ball. (If dough does not form a ball, add additional flour, 1 tablespoon at a time.) 3. Carefully scrape dough from blade and bowl; place in lightly greased bowl. Cover; let rise. Continue as directed above.
Leona Schnuelle Crab Orchard, NE Pillsbury Bake-Off® Contest 12, 1960, $25,000Bake-Off is a registered trademark of General Mills ©2006; 2006 © and ®/™ of General Mills
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Let it snow, Let it snow, .....
Winter came to Indiana this past week. It won't be "official" for a few more weeks, but, trust me, it's here. I used the tried and true method of sticking my head out the door - it was almost cold enough to freeze my ears off, so I know it's winter time.
The weather forecasters had predicted snow for a week. Last weekend, one would have thought that a blizzard was imminent this weekend from their dire warnings, but by Thursday night they had decreased the expected snow accumulation to only 1 inch. I watched a lot of forecasts Friday morning and one lone weather man (on Fox 59) predicted no snow while the others were still holding on to their forecast of snowflakes, albeit less than an inch by then.
There was no snow. Not in my county. We did get wind gusts that equaled tropical storms and brought down power lines and trees, but no snow. Unfortunately, the speed and strength of the winds was the only thing tropical we saw.
It's cold out there! But no snow.
I'm not complaining, mind you. I'm too old to appreciate the snow unless I can stay inside, sipping hot chocolate, while admiring winter's unique beauty. So I thank God for no snow while praying that He sheltered the people in the north and west that did have snow and ice up to their pants lines.