Friday, December 22, 2006

Today's Forecast is Stormy

This is the horoscope that popped up on my personalied Google page today. (It's from

"You are very busy this holiday season, and it's not going to let up. Today could push you right to the edge. Nevertheless, don't let yourself get pulled into the craziness, especially if it's unnecessary. Keep your eyes on your goals and worry just a little less about everyone else. If you slip off track, just consciously get back to your original plan."

See, even the stars know I'm being pushed to my limit.

My original plan was to do as little as possible at my new job, And, obviusly, I need to stick to that for the rest of the year. So if anybody wants anything today I'll just say "Have a Merry Christmas! Let's talk after the holidays when my stars are in better alignment." Then, while they're trying to figure out what I meant by that, I'll just quietly slip away to find some Christmas chocolate.

Hope you have a good stash of chocolate for yourself when you need it most.

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