I heard yesterday that some study at Harvard had found that fat wasn't what made us fat afterall and 40% of our daily calories should be from fat, not 30% as previously thought.
I don't pay any attention to those studies. I've lived long enough to know that if you wait a few years another study will change the 'facts'.
Sometimes it's not even a study that tries to set the standards as to what's good for us and what's not. Sometimes it's just somebody somewhere making a statement and somebody else quotes it and before you know it "everybody" is quoting it as fact.
Take the axiom "drink 8 glasses of water a day", and any liquid that isn't water doesn't count. That has little basis in fact. Nobody knows where it came from. Studies are out that now dispute that everybody needs 8 daily glasses of water and they agree that tea, coffee, and fruit juice are mostly water and therefore count towards your water intake. Common sense should have told you that.
At one time, the "facts" said that margarine was better for you than butter, now "facts" say that margarine isn't good for you at all. Who cares? Butter taste better.
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