I watched a few minutes of one of the original Star Trek shows last night and I reached a conclusion that is shared by many.
That show was bad. I mean really, really bad.
When I started watching, Kirk, Spock, and Bones were on some planet (not on the ship) dressed in what appeared to be animal skins duct taped together. They were with a group of similarly dressed men who carried flintlock rifles, clearly not advanced technology wise. (Though they did have duct tape, or at least something similar. ) They had on wigs that looked as if they'd been sent out to die, but hadn't made it.
Kirk had been hit on the head with a large rock, probably 6 - 8 inches in diameter. He'd been knocked out, but there was no blood or wounds.
Really now - not one drop of blood?
The next scene was a woman taunting another group of men with Kirk's phaser (fazer?) She was dressed in skin tight, hip hugging, bell-bottoms and a brief top that appeared to be made out of a bright orange fake feather boa. During one downward camera angle, the boa was artfully designed to frame her ample bosoms (which were as fake as the boa, by the way.) The men had on cheap, curly, women's wigs that barely covered their own hair.
Madam Boa got in a fight with the men (she has a really unusual scream) and one of them stabbed her. It was clear the knife stabbed the air some place beyond her right shoulder, but it killed her none-the-less. During the scuffle, the Enterprise group heard the screams and came arunnin'. Even though Bones was standing slightly to the right and behind Kirk, he got shot in the left arm. (That means the bullet had to detour around Kirk to get to the left side of Bones.) He wasn't hurt, of course, though he did have a bullet hole in his arm. Even had a couple drops of pale, blood next to the hole.
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