Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Somebody call Houston

because I think this is going to take a rocket scientist.

Today I helped an IT guy set up our printer/faxer/scanner so that we could scan things and send them to our email securely. This was the second time we tried this. Now, let me say that everybody makes mistakes. It may seem like it, but I don't really expect other people to be as perfect as I am. I just like to complain about their foibles because it makes us look better.

Anyhoo, we had tried this before one day last week. The first time there were a half dozen people on the phone in at least 3 different states and I don't think they got anything done. They were concentrating on a printer at another site and I was just wasting my time so I didn't pay a lot of attention. So maybe they got that one to work.

Anyhoo, "we" didn't get our printer set up at that meeting so 2 of the guys were going to contact me immediately after the call to try it again, but they didn't bother to ask me if I was available and I had back to back to back meetings so they had to reschedule.

Anyhoo, today was the day. I let the IT guy take over my computer remotely (he's in another state) so he could do everything because you know that all IT guys think that "normal people" are too stupid to turn on a computer without their help. At one point he said "I'm setting this up using the information in the configuration report you faxed to me yesterday." (And I had faxed him the report yesterday.)

Well, anyhoo, not only was he not able to get the scanner set up correctly he screwed up the printer so we could no longer use it to print either.

I sent him an email to let him know and I got this reply "Please fax me the configuration sheet you sent yesterday because I never got it. I don't know what happened to it."

I don't know about you, but I think I've located the problem. And it ain't me.

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