Sunday, November 02, 2008

Spring ahead, Fall back

A few days ago, when my cold was beginning to wane, I was lying in bed contemplating not going to work. When I decided I wasn't that sick and it was time to get up, I rolled over on to my left side, gave myself a push with my right arm, and sprang out of bed, all in one fluid and graceful motion.

"Not bad for a 60 year old lady," I bragged to myself. (I also lied about my age to myself.)

Later that day, two of my coworkers - one in her 40's, one in her 30's - were complaining about how they had to stretch to get out of bed, and how they stretched the wrong way and their back hurt, and whine, whine, whine.

I thought about regaling them with my morning adventure of getting out of bed, but I refrained. I'm sympathetic and agile.

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