Monday, January 19, 2009

Baby, It's Cold!

The weather forecasters are promising me it will be over 40 degrees on Wednesday. You know if they're lying I'm going to be out there looking to kick some butt.

Lucky for them, if it's still below 30, I'll be wearing so many layers of clothing I won't be able to lift my foot as high as their knee.

I took the garbage out to dumpster today. As I was putting on my coat, I realized that if I fell and broke something and went to the hospital they'd think I was a well-dressed bag lady. I had on a pair of funny looking gray sweat pants rolled up to the calf so I wouldn't trip over them, and over that a pair of blue jeans. On top I wore a green oversized t-shirt that came halfway to my knees and a red knit top over that. At least it matched my red coat. Too bad my hat didn't.

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