I'm currently taking 2 on-line courses. I'm behind in the lessons of course.
This morning I was trying to download the lessons for one of the classes, checkout the websites recommended by the instructor, read my classmates messages and do laundry, wash dishes, clean the bathroom, read personal email, and play Solitaire - all at the same time. Show of hands - who's surprised that I only made it through 1 lesson?
By the way I'm doing the second lesson right now.
You know how odd it is to see a shoe along a road? You know I don't see that as often as I used to. I always wondered why just one shoe. Wouldn't you notice if you were walking along and lost one shoe? Wouldn't you notice if you were driving down the highway and lost THOUSANDS of shoes. Yesterday thousands of shoes were strewn across a Floridian highway for several miles. The news reports said "miles". Thats a lot of shoes. I heard it even included a pair of roller skates. So far nobody has admitted to being the owner. It's hard to believe that (1) someone had thousands of shoes, (2) they dumped them on a highway, (3) nobody saw nothing. Do you suppose some trucker is going to get to his destination, open the truck doors, and find it's empty? Do you think it's a terrorist plot? Imelda Marcos gone wild? One analyst suggested that we can expect more shoes to turn up in other sites.
The shoes, by the way, are being donated to Soles4Souls. Check them out if you want to protest shoeless people by donating your own old shoes.
I bought gas today on my way to the grocery store. Gas was up 20 cents since I last noticed the price which was up 20 cents from the time before that. Somebody that really knows should explain why gas went up 40 cents a gallon when the price per barrel is still falling. My explanation is GREED.
Speaking of GREED, you know the world economy won't fully recover until CEOs stop thinking that they deserve their inflated paychecks.
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