Saturday, March 21, 2009

I need a plow

It feels like spring today. You still have to look for the signs, but I saw a few maple trees with red buds and the neighbor's lillies are up several inches.

I took a drive through the neighborhood on my way back from the store this afternoon. Even with the sunshine and mild weather, there weren't many people out, but I saw a few old men standing around looking like they were trying to look like they were working.

I got the urge to start farming today so I went out and poked at my two pots of hens-and-little-chicks. They all survived the winter so I put them on top of the patio fence where they could enjoy the spring weather, then I studied the little tree I planted last year until I saw some leaf buds on it. It looks like it will soon have some branches and leaves so it will stop looking like I planted a stick.

After all that, I went in the house and had a Pepsi. Farming is hard work.

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