Saturday, March 14, 2009

That time of year again

This is one of those word questions you always hated in math classes.

I was suppose to be at a writing symposium at 9 o'clock this morning. It would take one hour to drive there. I didn't get out of bed till 8:06. Now you do the math.

For those of you who are extremely math challenged: No, I didn't make it.

Why you ask did I miss this meeting which I've been looking forward to for 2 weeks? Unlike your algebra teacher, I'll give you the answer. Daylight Saving Time, that's why.

As happens twice a year since Indiana switched to this unnatural time keeping system, my inner clock is in a turmoil. Since DST started March 8, I don't know when to go to bed, I don't know when to get up, I don't know when to eat. I'm grouchy, I'm gaining weight, my head hurts, my legs ache.

I wasn't surprised to recently read that heart attacks increase 5% the week DST starts according to a study conducted in Sweden (where they call it "summer time"). And they found that the risk decreases in the autumn when we switch back to normal time. Everybody says so: Science Digest , Reuters, Mr. Hassel's Long Underpants

Some people claim the increase in heart attacks isn't due to DST, it's due to the loss of one hour of sleep. DUH! Why do you think people are losing one hour of sleep? And it's not just one hour. DST throws off your whole sleep/awake schedule. And not just for one day or even one week, but for at least a month.

There has been an increase in shootings all over the world. Domestic violence is up. Tornadoes and floods are storming through the countryside. Companies are failing. People are losing their life savings. Cows are tipping over.

And it's all the fault of Daylight Savings Time. Just do the math.

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