Friday, October 07, 2011

Yea or Nay

Did you ever see that cartoon where one side of Congress was filled with elephants and the other with donkeys and when one side would chorus "We accept it" the other side would reply "We reject it"?

This isn't like that.

Re my post of October 5th on Occupy Wall Street.

OK, kids, check out this NPR editorial Are You Among the 99%?  and give them your opinion by clicking Yes or No to the question, "Even if you might not want to join the Occupy Wall Street movement, are you among the "99 percent" who are upset about the way things are going?"  (Right now 95% of the people who voted say YES!)

Then you can answer the question Do 'Occupy Wall Street' Protests Represent Your Views of the Economy? at  (Right now 84% of the people who voted say NO!)

So we can agree it's broke - but not who broke it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This morning 10/11/11 - 69% of the voters say YES to the question Do 'Occupy Wall Street' protesters represent your views about the nation's economic problems?