I have a new favorite saying: "Jackass stupid"
I heard it from a character in a 1950 western movie the other day and I thought to myself, "I've got to remember that one!" And so I have.
I managed to use it at least once an hour today. Several times in some sentences. And while on the road going and coming, I mentioned to some driver or another that if they were going to be that jackass stupid, they should just get off the road.
I had the other people in my office using it when I wasn't. The IT people at the Dumass Corporation were just being jackass stupid - all day long. (And I apologize to all jackasses for the unfavorable comparison.)
At the rate we're using it, we'll probably wear it out by summer. We are so juvenile at times, but can we help it if so many people are just plain jackass stupid?
Lady, I don't know how I came across your blog but let me just tell you this, I bloody love it! So funny :)
Thanks, Lois. I read your blog and you're a sweetie. I wish you lots of luck with your final months at University. They will fly by!
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