I have lost my very favorite paring knife. I don't care that it wasn't the sharpest tool in the drawer, that it was older than most of my readers, that the tip was broke off years ago when I was trying to use it for a pry bar. It was my very favorite and now it's gone.
I suppose it went the same place my instant meat thermometer went. I never have found it. On the other hand, it could be where my lost potato masher hid. I found it right where it belonged the day after I bought another one.
I haven't replaced my knife yet. I haven't given up hope that it will come home to momma.
You see, sometimes my little pooka hides things around the house and I find them eventually. Usually the day after I spend money replacing something or whenever it will make me look the silliest.
I know it's probably not the pooka at all, but it's better for my ego to blame it on him than admit it's just me.
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