Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The World is Turning

Today when I got gas for the car, I noticed that 2 gallons of gas was almost $10 and I thought to myself, "I can remember when you could get 10 gallons of gas for $2.00".  It doesn't seem that long ago.  Less than a lifetime.

I have a free-standing fan and a space heater in my bathroom.  Last night I used the fan.  Tonight I need the heater. 

I didn't work this morning so I could sleep late.  I woke up and was out of bed before 6:30.  Most mornings I can barely hear when the alarm goes off at 7.

Little things.  Big things.  Some days I don't know which is what when.

I have to stand still while turning around to see what's up, what's down.

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