The local Freedom Festival was last weekend. It’s always held the weekend before July 4th and usually on the hottest weekend of the year. Freedom Festival 2005 was no exception. It was 98 degrees in the shade.
The local Freedom Festival was last weekend. It’s always held the weekend before July 4th and usually on the hottest weekend of the year. Freedom Festival 2005 was no exception. It was 98 degrees in the shade.
I recently read a magazine article about the powers of visual motivation. The author recommended that you decide what you want out of life and paste pictures that represent those desires onto poster board. She assured the reader that if the poster was displayed where you could see it everyday, you would achieve those things with little conscious effort. The premise of her assurance was that if you were reminded daily of your dreams and desires, you would subconsciously strive to attain them.
Zigzag up the side of the poster to the top right and you’ll see a house. I want my own house. Just a little cottage I can call my own. I must be growing old to think about settling down. I’ve always liked having few possessions that wouldn’t fit in boxes when the need arose to move them from one spot to another. My motto was throw ‘em in a U-Haul and move on, across town, across the state, across the country.
Is it hot enough for you?
I am still doing spring cleaning type housework. I have misplaced my trash bags and it’s hard to do a good clear-out without them. I reorganized my kitchen yesterday and I probably put them somewhere sensible. I just can’t remember where that is. I’m contemplating going to the store to buy some, even knowing that I will spy them as soon as I get back in the door.
(A Pooka is a "harmless", but mischievious, imaginary sprite. That's one acount. Other dictionaries say they are malicious supernatural beings that often take the shape of an animal. Jimmy Stewart's Harvey was a benevolent pooka. If you haven't seen the movie Harvey you should; it'a a classic comedy as old as me. Reportedly, during the filming of the movie, Jimmy Stewart insisted the director make some shots wider so that Harvey could be in the scenes. If you don't know why this is mentionable, you probably haven't seen the movie.)
I did some actual housework yesterday morning. It’s not that I mind doing housework, it’s just that I’m so bad at it. My mother was a poor housekeeper and her daughters do only marginally better. I have seen worse housekeepers, but not many. No brag, just fact.
My oldest sister taught me a trick about dishes. Don’t bother washing the dishes before you go shopping. If you get in a wreck and die, somebody else will do them for you.
The Nothin' Trilogy. You've read about it under other names in such places as the funny pages (think Family Circus) and if you've been in charge of boys for any length of time, you've experienced this phenomenon in person. This trilogy consists of the three phrases: Nothin', Who me?, and I dun know.
For example, if you hear suspicious noises, or no noise at all (even more ominous), coming from a group of boys just out of eyesight, and you ask them, "What are you up to?", you are going to get one or more of the trilogy responses (usually with a look of wide eyed innocence and/or the shoulder shrug).
The Not Me Trilogy is directly related to the Nothin' Trilogy . The Not Me Trilogy responses are: Not me!, I dun know, and Whut? used to answer the question "Who did that?"
These customs are not confined to one region of the country or one socioeconomic group. I have heard the trilogies used across the country by totally unrelated groups of kids and the responses never varied. No matter what accent a kid normally uses, when responding "I don't know", it's pronounced "I dun know." and “What?” becomes “Whut?”
Age is not a common factor either. 4 or 24, it doesn't really matter. My own nephews vary in age by at least 20 years and they were all proficient in Nothin’ and Not Me trilogeze. I have even heard adults use one or more of the six responses to deflect questions from bosses and spouses.
I, myself, would never use one of these colloquial phrases to respond to a a serious inquiry. Nope. Not me.
I watched TV in the afternoon. To do it properly, you plop down on the couch with the remote in one hand and a drink in the other. (My drink of choice is iced tea, but to each their own.) The trick is to see how many shows you can watch simultaneously on one TV. (I have been known to do it on two TV's at once, but that's not for amateurs.)
One of the local Christian stations has family program on in the afternoon. That means shows so old they were re-runs before you were born. Shows like My Three Sons, Lassie, Jeff's Collie (Lassie before it was Lassie), Leave it to Beaver, and westerns. Yes, old fashioned westerns. I only get to watch them when I'm doing nothing.
Yesterday I watched The Lone Ranger. Some people probably think The Lone Ranger ridicules Indians. They should have seen yesterday's show. They were making fun of masked heroes and bad guys. The Lone Ranger (LR), Tonto, and the local sheriff found a dead man on the floor with a pencil clutched in his hand. LR turned him over, spied the pencil, and said "Maybe he was trying to leave us a message." He then begin to look all over, up the walls, on the ceiling, till Tonto pointed out the message on the floor - just where the former clockmaker's hand had been. LR read, "Dover boys did it. Bomb on stage will explode at 9." He looked puzzled until Tonto pointed out, "Maybe it mean 9 am." I swear I saw Tonto roll his eyes. You know he was thinking, "Like, duh, kemo sabe"