Wednesday, June 15, 2005


I have watched the summer TV show Fire Me .... Please! It is actually amusing, not hilarious, but occassionally laugh-out-loud funny. I think it's only on once a week for about a month - which is just about right. The amusement will be waning by then.

My international garden is doing well. The tomato plant is bearing fruit despite outgrowing its pot. The oregano is thriving and the peppers are still alive even though they almost succumbed to dehydration last week. One would think Habenero peppers could stand a little heat.

Unfortunately my indoor plant aren't doing as well. Normally they like neglect. (Yes, they do.)

The Pooka filled an ice cube tray with water and put it in the microwave instead of the freezer. I swear it was the Pooka. Nobody else around here would do something so silly.

I have caught up with my on-line writing course. I almost dropped it because it was BORING, but last Friday's lesson was much better so I'll keep at it for another week at least. Only 3 weeks to go. Don't tell the instructor, but I still haven't done any of the homework.

My toe is so much better it doesn't bother me at all. Now I'll have to find another excuse to get out of housework. Oh, well, if it's not one thing, it's another.

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