Wednesday, June 22, 2005

On Observation Hill

It's time to write another blog, but I can't seem to gather my thoughts enough to compose an intelligent paragraph this evening. I'm so groggy today because I stayed up and watched Sinbad (the comedian) on The Tonight Show. He was very funny and it seemed like a good idea at the time, but now I'm thinking getting more sleep would have been an even better one.

Sleeping is one of those things that inexplicitly change as you grow older. I don't seem to dream as much now. Maybe I just don't remember the dreams. Maybe they just aren't worth remembering.

When I was younger, I used to have a recurring nightmare that I was driving up Observation Hill. The hill was so steep my car would fall backwards off the mountain before I ever reached the top. I would always wake in a panic, too scared to scream, just seconds before the car crashed.

One night I was exhausted and the dream came again. The car neared the summit, close to the spot where it always left the road. The panic was rising in my throat. I knew I was only seconds away from that awful moment when the car would topple over and I would plummet helplessly through the air.

I gripped the steering wheel, clenched my teeth, and said, "This is my dream and I'm taking control. I'm not falling off this mountain tonight."

I drove to the top of the mountain and I've never had that dream again.

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