Saturday, June 25, 2005


Is it hot enough for you?

The last time I checked it was 94 degrees outside. That’s hot. Even for summertime in Indiana, and summer is only a few days old.

During the summer when I was younger, you could go into the local gas station - grocery store in any small town in southern Indiana and some old guy would ask you that question. Then he’d cackle at his own wit, probably slap his knee, and sometimes spit tobacco juice.

I’d laugh and respond politely, “It sure is. I hope it rains soon” But I always wanted to drawl, “Naw, I like living in hell. I’ll probably spend eternity there if I don’t change my ways.”

It wasn’t proper for a sweet, young thing to use the word hell, so I always refrained. Now I’m old and I can say it all I want, but the old men sitting around those small stores are long gone. The stores tumbled down and the gas pumps rusting away.

So I have to ask for them, “Is it hot enough for you?” I’ll laugh and maybe slap my leg, but I won’t spit. I’m still a sweet, young thing at heart.

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