Wednesday, June 28, 2006

if it's not one thing, it's another

I'm being a real whiny-butt this month. I got past the killer headache, but now my neck is hurting all the way down my right arm. I bought a new pillow today to see if that would help. It's at least the third new pillow I've had in a year because I can't seem to find one that is comfortable. Most of the pillows I see in the stores are too fluffy so I bought a cheap one thinking that the fluffy wouldn't last long. Despite my reputation as a tightwad, I didn't get the cheapest pillow available. I spent an extra $7.99 to get the non-allergenic one because my allergies are acting out this week.

I think the headache, stiff neck, foot pain, stuffy nose, and general ennui are due to work. I like to blame all my troubles on work. I believe that I wasn't meant to labor like commoners. I should be lying on a feather bed somewhere having my every wish attended to before I even ask.

I must have been Cleopatra in a former life. Or maybe Marie Antoinette - that would explain the pain in the neck.

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