Friday, April 18, 2008

Can you spare some change?

We had a discussion at work the other day about a topic one of the women had recently heard on the radio. It went something like "Name 5 days that changed your life (and your wedding and your kids don't count)."

My position was that most people would have a hard time naming 1 day, much less 5.

They tried, but everytime I asked "Did that change your life forever?" they answered no.

I don't think for most of us, it's one day or one event that produces change. It's the days leading up to it and the days following.

You might help your team win the state finals in one glorious night, but it was practicing everyday for 5 years that got you there.

You don't get fat overnight, or lose weight in a day.

Your graduation might occur on one day, but it took years of hard work to get there and your life doesn't totally change till you put that diploma to work. And even then for many people there's no real change.

Besides, it's not the day or event that changes you. It's your reaction to it.

You can move half way across the country, make new friends, find a new job, get a new car, but your life doesn't necessarily change. Only the surroundings are different.

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