Friday, April 04, 2008

Maybe if I had a snorkel

I was going to write about my pet peeves, but I've probably done that. I'm very opinionated and everything annoys me. Everybody annoys me.

I was nice, like Pollyanna nice, for the first 40 years of my existance, but I've given that up now. It's too tiring.

I tell people that there's only so much crap any one person can tolerate in a lifetime and I've had my share. It's piled up over my head now so I'm spreading it around.

Of course, the best thing to do is to get rid of the crap as soon as it falls at your feet, or on your head, as the case might be. Don't hoard it. Don't wallow in it. Give it to some deserving person as soon as you can.

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