My co-workers and I have one more week before we move on to new jobs. In case they don't like their new positions, and in honor of President's day, this is the job description for President of the United States.
Job Duties:
- Head of State, Unites States of America
- Chief executive of the Federal Government
- Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces
- Leader of the Free World (un-official)
- Must be at least 35 years old
- Must be a natural-born Citizen of the United States
- Must have lived in the United States for at least 14 years
Term of Employment:
- 4 years
- Possibility of a second 4 years, but no more than 2 full terms
Salary: $400,000 plus $ 50,000 expenses
- Fringe benefits while in office include use of The White House and Camp David vacation home in Maryland, armored Cadillac limousine, company plane (Airforce One) and helicopters.
- Personal security guards provided
- Retired presidents receive a pension of approximately $140,000 a year, free office space, free mailing privileges, and budgets for office help and staff assistance.
- Choose cabinet members
- Command the armed forces of the country
- Meet with leaders of foreign countries
- Make treaties with foreign countries
- Appoint judges and ambassadors
- Propose new laws
- Sign bills into law and veto bills
- Protect and defend the laws of the United States
- Pardon criminals
- Report to Congress once a year
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