I say, let's compromise. Let's recognize both.
Lovers, old and young alike, can celebrate Valentine's Day while gazing starry eyed across the table at a special resturant. School kids can exchange heart shaped cardboard cutouts of cartoon characters. Friends and family can exchange cards overflowing with expressions of fondness without being embarrassed.
National Singles Awareness Day can be reserved for those singles who embrace the freedom and lifestyle, as well as the bitter-hearted who feel that love has left them behind.
We all know the traditional ways of celebrating Valentine's Day. Who hasn't seen the ads for cards, diamonds, heart shaped pizzas, heart-adorned underwear, and restaurant specials for two? So I'm going to give you some suggestions for celebrating National Singles Awareness Day.
- Buy your own chocolates - you don't have to share.
- Get a pink flannel gown - the kind you really like to sleep in.
- Get something special for your remote control and watch whatever you want, wearing whatever you want, and eating whatever you want.
- Throw a party and invite only single friends (see comments after Go to a bar).
- Do something nice for an old person. (Hint, Hint)
- Share a pint of mint chocolate ice cream, with real whipped cream, and tell her/him how much her/his friendship means to you. (You could share a beer and punch him in the arm, it that's your thing, but really it's not the same.)
- Buy yourself an extra nice bottle of wine and drink it with strawberries or steak, as your heart desires.
- Go to a bar - you could meet another celebrating single, fall deeply in love, and next year celebrate the other holiday or you may find someone wallowing in self-pity that will be thrilled to hook up for the night.
- Hug everyone you love - family, friends, your faithful dog.
- Do whatever you want and have a great time doing it.
To all you lucky lovers out there: Happy Valentine's Day! May you and yours be truly happy.
To all you lucky singles out there: Happy National Singles Awareness Day! May you be truly blessed.
1 comment:
I'll be participating in #8. Nothing says Valentine's Day like picking up lonely chicks in a bar.
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